A celebration of
Fernie's most excellent!


At the Fernie Chamber of Commerce, we acknowledge that local businesses, entrepreneurs, and community groups dedicate their time to growing their businesses, creating jobs, innovating, building community, and making Fernie an excellent place to work, live and play.

The 2024 Fernie Business Excellence Awards is a time to celebrate these accomplishments and those that have contribute in a meaningful way to our local economy, community, and social wellbeing.

Please join us in recognizing these businesses, organizations, and local legends by taking part in our online nomination survey. In order to be up for nomination, the business must be a Fernie Chamber member in good standing. Following the nomination survey period, nominees will be contacted to complete a nominee form which will be used by a panel of local judges to determine this year’s winners!


Join us on Thursday, October 24th at Bayleaf Indian Fusion where the winners will be announced.  This will be an evening of good times, good food, and good company!

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How It All Works

August 6 – September 5   General nominations open until Thursday, September 5 at 11:59pm

 September 9 – 20   Nominees receive and complete their Nominee Form to be considered for award. (deadline is September 20 at 11:59 PM, Nominee Forms will not be accepted after this time)

September 10 – 25  People’s Choice Award opens for public voting

September 24 – October 17   Tickets on sale

September 23 – October 4   Judging process begins by a panel of local judges* for Awards Categories (exceptions: People’s Choice, Citizen of the Year and Chamber Legacy) 

October 7   Finalists announced

October 24   Awards gala at Bayleaf Indian Fusion

*see Judging Process for details

Anyone can nominate a business or individual for any award they feel meets the criteria outlined on the online Nomination Survey. All nominees from each category will be contacted once the nomination period closes  and asked to complete a Nominee Form that will be used by the judges to determine the finalists and winners.

In 2023 the Fernie Chamber brought the judging process back to a panel of local judges comprised of: sponsors, past winners, community partners and Fernie Chamber of Commerce board of directors. We believe this is a balanced process, ensuring nominees receive a fair chance of becoming a finalist or recipient in their category by local authentication

Exceptions to this process are Citizen of the Year and the Chamber Legacy Award – which will be judged by the Fernie Chamber board of directors.

Businesses and organizations nominated in all categories will be on the ballot for the People’s Choice award that the public will vote on in September.



Nomination poll is now closed


The following guidelines are used to maintain a balanced process, ensuring nominees receive a fair chance of becoming a finalist or recipient in their category:

  • A judging panel is responsible for judging the awards categories:
    • The Fernie Chamber of Commerce Business Excellence Awards judging panel is made up of sponsors, past winners, community partners and Fernie Chamber of Commerce board of directors. This panel is responsible for nine (9) of the annual awards categories;
    • The Chamber Business Legacy and The Citizen of the Year awards are determined by a judging panel comprised of the Fernie Chamber of Commerce board of directors;
    • The People’s Choice award is determined by public vote. 
  • The determination of finalists in each category (exceptions being: Citizen of the Year, Chamber Legacy and People’s Choice) is made solely by the Nominee Form submitted by the nominee.
  • In the case that a judging panel member encounters a conflict of interest, they will no longer be able to contribute to discussions related to that area of conflict.
  • In the case that a board member of the Chamber or a sponsor of the Business Excellence Awards receives a nomination, that company will be assessed fairly, without any favorable bias.

For each award category, the winner cannot have won in the previous year. Individuals who won last year are not eligible to win again in the same category this year.


Questions related to the judging process can be emailed to events@ferniechamber.com.

Thursday, October 24

Bayleaf Indian Fusion | 201 Fairway Drive


Tickets on sale September 24 – October 17.


Sponsorship opportunities available!

Please contact events@ferniechamber.com to take advantage of these opportunities

2024 Award Categories

Sponsored by The City of Fernie

Award recognizes an individual who lives or volunteers in the community and continually gives back to Fernie, helping make it a great place to live through demonstrated leadership abilities. With dedication to uplifting the quality of life in Fernie, the nominee should be involved in volunteer work, community leadership, and show care for the overall community. Nominee must have resided in Fernie for at least 2 years.

Include the name of the individual and your reasoning for this nomination.

Sponsored by TD Bank

This award recognizes the outstanding achievements of a not-for-profit organization that significantly enhances the economic, social, and cultural well-being of Fernie. The organization must have an established reputation for providing exceptional programs and services, alongside a proven track record of efficient and effective management.

Nominees are a not-for-profit organization or community group.

Sponsored by Fernie Alpine Resort

Award recognizes a business established in the last three years that demonstrates innovation, strong growth, and excellent customer service while significantly enhancing the business landscape in the community. The business should also show commitment to community involvement and have a clear vision for future development and sustainability.

The nominee may be a business that has opened a new location in town. However, it cannot be a franchise or an existing, established business that has undergone a change in ownership or management while continuing to provide substantially the same business or service.

Nominee must be a Fernie Chamber of Commerce member in good standing.

Sponsored by Tourism Fernie

This award recognizes a business, organization or individual(s) that has notably contributed to the success of Fernie’s tourism industry within areas of marketing, industry development/growth, product development, market development/growth, innovation, entrepreneurship or strategic business growth.

Nominee must be a Fernie Chamber of Commerce member in good standing.

Sponsored by College of the Rockies

Award recognizes a business or organization that demonstrates exceptional commitment to its employees through job creation, training, support, recognition and rewards, employee health and wellness initiatives, professional development, and inclusivity in the workplace, including support for mental health.

Nominee must be a Fernie Chamber of Commerce member in good standing.

Sponsored by Fernie Brewing Co.

Award recognizes a business or organization for their innovative approach and dedication to incorporating sustainability into their operations, including environmental stewardship and community well-being. The recipient must demonstrate community leadership in establishing measurable sustainability initiatives or standards, enhancing our natural environment for healthy living and economic vibrancy within Fernie.


Nominee must be a Fernie Chamber of Commerce member in good standing.

Sponsored by Claris Media

Award recognizes an individual employed in a for-profit business who has made significant contributions to its success, demonstrating exemplary business standards, ethics, innovation, leadership, and active community involvement.

To be eligible for the award, the business person must have held a key position within the business for at least one year. The award winner does not necessarily have to be the business owner.


Nominee must be a Fernie Chamber of Commerce member in good standing.

Sponsored by The Free Press

Award recognizes a business that is acclaimed for its proven customer service excellence, demonstrating a strong commitment to customer satisfaction, exceptional service, or the development of outstanding products.

Enrolling staff in the Fernie Ambassador Program is considered an asset.


Nominee must be a Fernie Chamber of Commerce member in good standing.

Sponsored by Western Financial Group

Award recognizes businesses or organizations that actively engage in hiring, training, mentoring, and leading youth in the workplace, creating valuable employment opportunities and fostering an environment that supports the growth and development of young individuals aged 13 to 21.


Nominee must be a Fernie Chamber of Commerce member in good standing.

Sponsored by Columbia Basin Trust

Award recognizes a business whose exceptional efforts have brought about remarkable benefits to Fernie and its surrounding areas in meaningful and impactful ways. This business serves as an inspiring role model, contributing significantly to the social, economic, recreational, cultural, and overall well-being of the community. (Can be awarded posthumously).

Nominee must have been in business for over ten years. 

Nominee must be a Fernie Chamber of Commerce member in good standing.  

Sponsored by TC Energy & Surerus Murphy Joint Ventures

Award recognizes a business that demonstrates a positive impact in the community and actively supports community initiatives. This business shows leadership within the community and excels in overall operations, including customer service, business standards and ethics, employee relations, marketing, innovation, and community contributions. Regarded as an industry leader with a strong reputation for their business success, the recipient also exemplifies diversity and inclusion in its workplace and business decision-making processes.
Nominee must be a Fernie Chamber Member in good standing.

Sponsored by Rockies Law

All nominees are eligible for the People’s Choice award.
Winner is selected through public voting – one vote per person.Nominee must be a Fernie Chamber Member in good standing.Voting is now open! CLICK HERE to voteCloses  Wednesday, September 25 @ 11:59pm.


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