In addition to working with our 300 Chamber members, the Fernie Chamber partners with a number of community groups, non-profits and individuals throughout the year to deliver on our mandate to support Fernie’s economic development. Below are a number of ways for you to get involved! We look forward to working with you.
Get Involved

As a not-for-profit, we relay on the support of the Fernie Business community to make our events successful. There are a number of events that the Chamber seek sponsorship for throughout the year:
- Workshops and Professional Development Sessions
- Griz Days
- Annual General Meeting
- Business Excellence Awards
Sponsoring events is a great way to get your business in front of the community!
Email for more information!
Are you looking for an opportunity to get involved in the Fernie Business Community? The Fernie Chamber is always looking for motivated, community oriented individuals to support our organization with the execution of the events below:
- Workshop Presenters
- Griz Days
Email for more information!

Our initiatives are only successful when they are well attended and beneficial to our members and Fernie business community. Help us spread the word about the work we are doing by completing the following: